Opportunities for new players

Players with some experience are welcomed into the York RI Golden Rail Band, a non-contesting band that is always busy with a variety of engagements and concerts.
Golden Rail Band rehearses on Tuesdays from 7:00pm to 9.00pm.
Also based in the band room is York RI Band, a Championship Section band suitable for players with a higher level of competence. They rehearse Mondays and Thursdays from 8.00pm to 10.00pm.
Players starting out on their brass band journey are welcome to our other sister band, York RI Development Band, which meets on Wednesday nights from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. This is aimed at people of all ages who can play the basics and can read music. The aim is for Development Band players to progress to Golden Rail Band when they reach the appropriate standard and can play with confidence.
We also accommodate total beginners through periodic group lessons on Wednesday nights before Development Band. This will take people to a standard where they can then join in with the Development Band. A new session for beginners is due to start in October 2023. Places are limited; please email the Development Band Secretary Pauline Johnson at paulinejohnson.home@btinternet.com to register your interest.
General information
All rehearsals are held in the band room behind the Railway Institute, Queen Street, York (close to the York Station). There is limited parking (requires a permit) next to the band room; we recommend parking in nearby Nunnery Lane car park.
We offer a congenial atmosphere in which to learn and develop instrumental skills and musicianship. We are proud that ex-members have moved on into the top ranks of brass banding, military music and professional orchestral work.
Instruments are available for loan to band members.
New members will be able to decide whether they wish to join before being asked for the annual band subscription.